No BS Pricing

No BS Pricing

No BS Pricing

For affordable storage, you've come to the right place.

For less than 5 items

For less than 5 items

For less than 5 items

Item Rates

Item Rates

Select a plan based on your single or largest item.
We'll add on the rest (if any) according to your plan during drop off.
Select a plan based on your single or largest item.We'll add on the rest (if any) according to your plan during drop off.
Pick a plan based on your single or largest item.
We'll add on the rest (if any) on your drop off time.

Regular Item



It's regular if 1 person can carry it

First regular item is $20/mo

Add regular $10 each

Add large

Add XL

Regular Item



It's regular if 1 person can carry it

First regular item is $20/mo

Add regular $10 each

Add large

Add XL

Regular Item



It's regular if 1 person can carry it

First regular item is $20/mo

Add regular $10 each

Add large

Add XL

Large Item



It's large if 2 people need to carry it

First large item is $40/mo

Add regular $10 each

Add large $35 each

Add on XL

Large Item



It's large if 2 people need to carry it

First large item is $40/mo

Add regular $10 each

Add large $35 each

Add on XL

Large Item



It's large if 2 people need to carry it

First large item is $40/mo

Add regular $10 each

Add large $35 each

Add XL

XL Item



It's XL if 3+ people need to handle it

First XL item is $70/mo

Add regular $8 each

Add large $35 each

Add XL $60 each

XL Item



It's XL if 3+ people need to handle it

First XL item is $70/mo

Add regular $8 each

Add large $35 each

Add XL $60 each

XL Item



It's XL if 3+ people need to handle it

First XL item is $70/mo

Add regular $8 each

Add large $35 each

Add XL $60 each

Need help getting a rate?

Tell us what you need stored and a team member will send your rate.

Get My Rate

Need help getting a rate?

Tell us what you need stored and a team member will send your rate.

Get My Rate

Need help getting a rate?

Tell us what you need stored and a team member will send your rate.

Get My Rate

For 5 or more items

Bundle Rates

Unlock extra savings when you store 5 items or more.

Best for many items

Best for many items

Bundles for regular items

Bundles for regular items

It’s a regular item if 1 person can carry it.

Boxes, luggage, bikes, snowboard and ski bags, golf bags, guitars, deflatable paddle boards, even small furniture items like coffee tables. The list goes on.

It’s a regular item if 1 person can carry it.

Boxes, luggage, bikes, snowboard and ski bags, golf bags, guitars, deflatable paddle boards, even small furniture items like coffee tables. The list goes on.

5 Bundle

Bundle 5



First 5 items for $55/mo

Each additional item for $8/mo

Includes 5 regular items

Includes storage for 5 regular items

Add on regular items for $8 each

Add on regular items for $8 each

Free access and cancellations

Free access and cancellations

10 Bundle

Bundle 10



First 10 items for $100/mo

Each additional item for $7/mo

Includes 10 regular items

Includes storage for 1 regular item

Add on regular items for $7 each

Add on regular items for $7

Free access and cancellations

Free access and cancellations

Bundl Rates

Unlock extra savings when you store 5 items or more.

Best for many items

Bundles for regular items

It’s a regular item if 1 person can carry it.

Boxes, luggage, bikes, snowboard and ski bags, golf bags, guitars, deflatable paddle boards, even small furniture items like coffee tables. The list goes on.

Bundle 5



First 5 items for $55/mo

Each additional item for $8/mo

Includes storage for 5 regular items

Add on regular items for $8 each

Free access and cancellations

Bundle 10



First 10 items for $100/mo

Each additional item for $7/mo

Includes storage for 1 regular item

Add on regular items for $7

Free access and cancellations

Bundles for moving storage

Bundles for moving storage

Bundles for moving storage

Moving logistics suck. So we've dedicated these options to making the process easier. Don't worry about listing out your items. Just pick a plan based on how big your home is.

Moving logistics suck. So we've dedicated these options to making the process easier. Don't worry about listing out your items. Just pick a plan based on how big your home is.

Moving logistics suck. Don't worry about listing out your items. Just pick a plan based on how big your home is.

Studio or 1 BR

Studio or 1 BR

Studio or 1 BR


One month flat rate

Up to 800 sqft

Up to 800 sqft

Up to 800 sqft

2 BR

2 BR

2 BR


One month flat rate

Up to 1200 sqft

Up to 1200 sqft

Up to 1200 sqft

3 BR

3 BR

3 BR



One month flat rate

Up to 2000 sqft

Over 1200 sqft

Over 1200 sqft

Bundles for large and XL items

Bundles for large and XL items

Bundles for large or XL items.

Big stuff can be bundled too. Just let us know what it is.

Big stuff can be bundled too. Just let us know what it is.

Big stuff can be bundled too. Just let us know what it is.

Send me a promo code

Sign up risk-free to get 50% off your second month of storage.

Send me a promo code

Sign up risk-free to get 50% off your second month of storage.

Send me a promo code

Sign up risk-free to get 50% off your second month of storage.


Greatest Hits

The most popular questions from our community.

If not in units, how are my items stored?

Imagine the warehouse section of IKEA but with a load of cameras, sensors, and absolutely no public access. Bikes go on actual bike racks. Boxes? They get their own shelves. Everything is always placed in it's natural habitat in our depot.

Will anyone go through my stuff while it’s in storage?

Do I need to pay to access my stuff?

How about insurance?

Do you provide moving services?


Greatest Hits

The most popular questions from our community.

If not in units, how are my items stored?

Imagine the warehouse section of IKEA but with a load of cameras, sensors, and absolutely no public access. Bikes go on actual bike racks. Boxes? They get their own shelves. Everything is always placed in it's natural habitat in our depot.

Will anyone go through my stuff while it’s in storage?

Do I need to pay to access my stuff?

How about insurance?

Do you provide moving services?


Greatest Hits

The most popular questions from our community.

If not in units, how are my items stored?

Imagine the warehouse section of IKEA but with a load of cameras, sensors, and absolutely no public access. Bikes go on actual bike racks. Boxes? They get their own shelves. Everything is always placed in it's natural habitat in our depot.

Will anyone go through my stuff while it’s in storage?

Do I need to pay to access my stuff?

How about insurance?

Do you provide moving services?